
My Accomplishements :)

              I am very happy because I got an one hundred on my vocabulary test from the week of the Oct.25. I felt that it was very easy and that I was going to pass but sometimes I think that but I still don't pass. At first, I Iooked at the word and I was nervous to put the wrong answer, I was scared. I didn't know it. I forgot to study. Then, when I got my test back, my smile lit up. I was so happy. Well, I've been learning alot of vocabulary and I hope by the time the ISAT comes, I know alot of vocabulary.

            I had another accomplishment. I got an A on my summary test. We've been studying summarizing for a week and Mrs.Ornelas taught us very well that ninety nine of the kids in my class got an one hundred on their test. As soon as I read through the test, I knew I was going to pass and I felt good about it. Hopefully I continue to pass my tests! :)

          I had a very exciting accomplishment in writing class. I finally got my first A in writing class .  When I seen my paper, I couldn't believe it because my writing teacher says you have to have perfect writing to get an A in writing class.  It was a homework assignment and we had one day to finish it. I was very proud of myself and I tryed very hard on this assignment because I know it's hard to get an A. I hope to continue these good grades.

          I had a very amazing accomplishment this quarter.  We had a major test for science. We got to use our books for about five minutes.  I got a ninety five on my test. I never get A's on my science tests. I was so scared while I was putting down my answers because I didn't really know them.  I took a while to finish my test because I was scared to put down the wrong answer. When I was receiving my test, my heart was bumping very fast and I didn't even want to look at my test. But then, I got a good grade and it felt so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            I had an accomplishment today which was not that exciting because I always get A's in this class,  I got my fourth one hundred for math class on my test.  Math seems very simple to me and I don't get worried in that class. Hopefully that stays the same because it gets harder each time we get farther in the year. I like math class only because it's easy. Sometimes I get bored in math class because I already know alot of things from last year.  I will try hard next quarter to continue to get A's on my test.

             I had another accomplishment this quarter in social studies class. We took a chapter test in social studies last week and I got an A on the test. This is not a suprise either because I either get an A or a B in this class. It's getting harder because I'm starting to get B's in this class so I am going to try very hard.