
                    Literary Devices
Alliteration: a poetic or literary effect achieved by using several words that begin with the same or similar consonants.

Imagery: The figurative language, especially metaphors and similes used in poetry, plays, and other literary works.

Rythmn: process with a pattern that makes a beat like abab.

Metaphors:A figure of speech comparing two unlike things that have something in common. It is used without using the words like or as.

Similies: A comparision between two unlike things using the words like or as.

Personification: A striking example, a representing as a person.

                Examples from the book The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian:

Alliteration: Junoir jumps  jungle to jungle.
Imagery: Junior's car was so shiny that you could see it from miles away.
Metaphors: When I go to school my class is a zoo.
Similies:My mom is as short as a mouse.
Personification:The toilet drank as much water as it can to get rid of its thirst.

Sonnet: Although the cat lived a very bad life, 
             It and its owner had times of laughter,
             It never became a spouse of a wife,
             It soon lived happily ever after,