
        Elements of Fiction

Character: The main character in a story is called a protagonist. She or he is always involved in the main conflict and its resolution.
Theme: The theme is the moral or the main idea of the story. Themes do not provide any plot developments and apply to many types of stories in almost any genre.
Conflict: Conflict is to come into collision or disagreement.
Point of View: Point of view is the narrative mode, the perspective of the narration.
Plot: The plot is what happens in the story. Some call it the storyline.
Setting: The setting provides us with the when and where the story took place.
Flashback: The flashback of a story is when something is brought up from a certain amount of time before.............
      Examples from the book called True Diary of a Part Time Indian:
Character: Junior
Theme: Don't always believe what other people say, don't let your self-esteem down.
Conflict: The conflict of the story was when Junior through his book at his teacher named Mr P.
Point of View: This story is first person because it includes the words I, and my in many parts of the story.
Plot: Junoir transfers to an all white people school because he gets bullied at his old school alot and especially by his teachers.  You wouldn't think this is the best move since he is Native American but it actually is. He finally enjoys his life and has a girlfriend for the first time. Junior is now happy the way his life is.
Setting: The setting of this story is Reardan(Junoir's new school), Junior's house, the dance, at the lake.
Flashback: The flashback of the story is when Junior and Rowdy, his best friend, brought up how much fun they used to have when they were younger like at the age of seven.